Cooling Advantages of Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Machines

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Pico laser tattoo removal machines have revolutionized the world of tattoo removal with their precision and effectiveness. However, when combined with a compressor refrigeration system, these machines offer even more advantages, making the tattoo removal process more efficient and comfortable. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using pico laser tattoo removal machines equipped with a compressor refrigeration system, designed for distribution to dealers, beauty salons, and aesthetic clinics.

pico laser machine with compressor

Efficient Cooling for Enhanced Comfort:

One of the standout advantages of pico laser machines with compressor refrigeration is their ability to provide more efficient cooling during treatments. The compressor refrigeration system offers powerful cooling, surpassing other cooling methods. This results in a significant reduction in discomfort and pain experienced by patients during tattoo removal procedures. By keeping the skin cool, patients can undergo treatments more comfortably.

pico laser machine internal configuration

This part is the compressorrefrigeration area~

The first factory in China to combined with pico laser and compressor refrigeration!

Extended Cooling Duration:

The compressor cooling system operates continuously, ensuring consistent cooling over an extended period of time. This prolonged cooling enhances the overall effectiveness of the tattoo removal treatment. Unlike intermittent cooling methods, the compressor refrigeration system ensures that the skin remains adequately cooled throughout the entire procedure, contributing to better outcomes.

Versatility Across Different Skin Types and Treatment Areas:

Compressor cooling is highly versatile and can be applied to a variety of skin types and treatment areas. Whether it's a larger tattoo or a sensitive area, the compressor refrigeration system adapts effectively. This versatility expands the range of applications for pico laser tattoo removal machines, making them suitable for a broader customer base, including those with varying skin types and treatment needs.

Aesthetic Design and Technological Appeal:

To cater to the needs of beauty salons, clinics, and distributors, pico laser machines with compressor refrigeration are designed with an aesthetic touch. These machines feature a sleek, pure white color and a medical-style appearance. Additionally, the inclusion of blue ambient lights adds a technological and modern feel to the device. This design not only complements the treatment environment but also signifies the cutting-edge technology within.

Uniform Energy Output and Enhanced Treatment Effect:

These machines are equipped with Korea-imported high-power light guide arms, ensuring uniform energy density output. The optical lenses, also imported from Korea, achieve an impressive penetration rate of up to 98%. This means that energy output remains stable and uniform throughout the treatment session, resulting in a better and more consistent treatment effect.

Freon Air Compressor Cooling:

One of the standout features of these machines is the Freon air compressor cooling system, akin to having a miniature air conditioner inside the device. This system maintains the water temperature at around 30 degrees Celsius, ensuring that the machine can operate continuously for 24 hours without overheating. Moreover, the cold air blown onto the treatment area reduces pain and discomfort, making the tattoo removal process significantly more comfortable for clients.


In conclusion, pico laser tattoo removal machines equipped with a compressor refrigeration system offer numerous benefits, making them a valuable addition to the arsenal of dealers, beauty salons, and aesthetic clinics. From efficient cooling and extended treatment duration to versatility in skin types and treatment areas, these machines cater to a wide customer base. Their sleek design and advanced technological features further enhance their appeal in the aesthetic industry. By investing in pico laser machines with compressor refrigeration, businesses can offer their clients a more comfortable and effective tattoo removal experience, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction.