Celluspheres vs. LPG: Decoding the Battle of Beauty Technologies

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In the ever-evolving world of beauty and wellness, staying informed about the latest technologies is key to offering the best to your clients. Two prominent contenders in the field of body contouring and skin rejuvenation are Celluspheres and LPG. Let's dive into the showdown between these two powerhouses to help you make an informed decision for your beauty clinic.

Cellusphere( M9+6S) LPG(M9+7S)
Photo fat burner machine (6) shape slimming skin lifting fat rotating machine (5)
Technology The Celluspheres Machine is a cutting-edge device that utilizes microvibrations to target cellulite, promote lymphatic drainage, and improve skin tone. These micro-pulses stimulate the body's tissues, leading to visible results in body contouring and skin texture. LPG, short for "Lipomassage," is a technology that employs mechanical rollers and suction to massage the skin and underlying tissues. It's designed to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, enhance collagen production, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Area of action face and body face and body
  • Softens Skin and Fat Tissue. ...
  • Helps Release Fat and Activates Lymphatic Circulation. ...

  • Diminishes the Appearance of Cellulite. ...

  • Increases Production of Collagen and Skin Elasticity. ...

  • Reduces Inflammation. ...

  • Eliminates Toxins.

Lose fat faster

Firm and smooth any flabby skin

Reduce cellulite

Comfort and Experience Celluspheres Therapy is often described as comfortable and relaxing, akin to a deep tissue massage. The microvibrations create a soothing sensation that clients appreciate during their sessions. LPG treatments involve the use of mechanical rollers and suction, which some clients might find intense or less comfortable compared to Celluspheres' microvibrations.
Customizable vs. Standardized Treatments Celluspheres Therapy is known for its ability to customize treatments according to individual needs. The device's settings can be adjusted to address varying cellulite levels, skin types, and client preferences. This customization allows for a more personalized experience and potentially more satisfying outcomes. LPG treatments follow a standardized protocol with predetermined settings. While this might simplify the process, it could limit the flexibility needed to cater to diverse client needs.
A complete body treatment is between 12 or 18 sessions, which will happen two to three times a week depending on your physical condition. The treatment consists of about 12 sessions and results are said to have been seen after about 6 treatments. The sessions themselves last about 45 minutes and you can get the treatment done twice a week.
Preparation before treatment undressing therapy Specific LPG slimming clothes
Side Effects As with other massages, there may be soreness in the treatment area. Furthermore, there may also be temporary redness, increased urination, and an increase in regular bowel movements. Most patients do not experience any downtime following an lpg treatment. Bruising may develop one to two days after treatment, but is typically mild and resolves within two weeks.


There is no aftercare or downtime necessary post-treatment. "The patients can resume their normal daily activities post-treatment, 1-2 Days After Treatment and Beyond · Resume normal activity after treatment · Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day to assist in draining

Which One to Choose: The Verdict

Ultimately, the choice between Celluspheres and LPG depends on your beauty clinic's focus, your clients' preferences, and the results you aim to achieve. If precision targeting and customizable treatments are your priority, Cellupheres might be the winner. On the other hand, if standardized protocols and established technologies resonate with your clientele, LPG could be the way to go.

In the end, both Cellupheres and LPG have their strengths and are backed by dedicated user bases. As a beauty clinic owner, consider your clients' needs, your clinic's philosophy, and the long-term benefits each technology can bring to your offerings.