Shockwave therapy Tecar pain relief ed treatment

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Shockwave therapy Tecar pain relief ed treatment

The 3 in 1 of shock wave, EMS and Tecar for whole body treatment,

--SHOCKWAVE is aimed at the affected areas that are the source of chronic pain,

then in order to the dissolution of calcium deposits and leads to better vascularization, finally to get the pains relief results

--TECAR therapy is one of the methods used in diathermy,

it delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy, and generates heat in the human body to get the result of physical therapy.

--EMS “Electrical Muscle Stimulation” is an internationally accepted and proven way of treating muscular injuries,

the muscle flexes as in physical exercise, the muscle relaxes and the cycle starts over again, (Stimulation, Contraction and Relaxation.)

Shockwave tecar therapy physiotherapy