How long does Zerona treatment last?

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zerona body sculpting

How long does Zerona treatment last?

Before starting Zeronal lipo laser treatment, you must follow a recommended lifestyle regimen, which consists of at least 6 treatments every other day for 40 minutes, with no more than 72 hours between treatments. If the intervention is longer than 72 hours, some fat may be reabsorbed by fat cells.

What can I expect in my weight loss appointment?

You can look forward to 40 minutes to relax, read or do nothing. Zerona 6d laser treatment is completely painless. There is no heat or any feeling during the treatment. With each session your technician will position the laser on the desired area of your body, she will walk out for 20 minutes while treating the front of your body, then return to the back of your body for 20 minutes. Once done, you can resume your normal activities immediately, with absolutely no downtime, no pain, swelling, or any discomfort. This is an asymptomatic process, except for the loss of unwanted inches.