What does physio magneto do

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What does physio magneto do

Magnetotherapy triggers electromagnetically induced biological effects at the cell and tissue level. Fibroblast and collagen proliferation is increased follo wing each treatment.Increased angiogenesis and collagen formation/matur ation leading to wound healing.

Accelerates swelling elimination, restoring normal blood flow, nutrients, and oxygenation of tissue.Damaged cells recover faster under treatment.

Accelerated growth factor production at various stages of the tissue repair.Magneto therapy

can modulate cell receptors binding, reducing the inflammatory response.

Physio Magneto Benefit

Degenerative joint diseases Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis (knees, hips, hands, shoulders, elbows, herniated discs, spondylarthrosis

Pain treatment Chronic pain to include back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathy Sports injuries Chronic inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overuse syndromes, inflammation of the pubic bone