Is it possible to get rid of tattoo?

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Nearly one in five Americans regret getting a tattoo! At our state-of-the-art medical spa, we can help permanent eyebrow removal laser permanent makeup removal melasma full tattoo removal get rid of tattoo with the state-of-the-art PicoSure laser system, which offers more effective ink removal with fewer treatments than traditional thermal lasers.

In addition, PicoSure with the 1064nm can also help reduce the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, and acne scars for a more youthful, revitalized aesthetic.

PicoSure works by emitting extremely short pulses of energy directly at the ink. Using picosecond Technology – a targeted high pressure delivery system – the ink breaks down into tiny dust-like particles that are more easily absorbed and eliminated by the body. PicoSure is designed to work precisely in the targeted areas without damaging the surrounding tissue.

get rid of tattoo

When Will I See Results?

Patients may see results after one treatment, which can reduce ink by up to 40%. Typically, three to four treatments are necessary for effective clearing (spaced out every five to eight weeks or as needed), though tattoo size, type of ink, ink color, and depth of tattoo will significantly affect the number of treatments necessary for clearance.

Treatment Time

This will depend on the size and location of the tattoo or skin condition being treated. Typically, treatment sessions last 5-15 minutes.